About Us

Your best colleague in training, consulting, recruiting and general contracting

PT. Kolega Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia Global (abbreviated / called PT. Kolega SDM) is engaged in training, consulting, recruiting and general contracting.

PT. Kolega SDM previously started/formed from a consulting office since 2017 called MZp Law Office and HRM Consultant and until now they are still partnering with PT. Kolega SDM in running their business.

Our Motto

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our motto as well as our commitment in providing services is Service Provisions with great services”.


  1. Provide fast, precise and accurate services.
  2. Services according to best practice and updating of knowledge.
  3. Provide best improvement and sustainable services.

To be the best colleague of choice for every customer in training, consulting, recruiting and general contracting.

Our Events


If You Have Any Question,
Feel Free to Call 0813-2191-2001

Office Address :
- Grand BSI, Semeru B.15, Batam, Indonesia
- Jl. Pramuka Baru No. 10 2nd Floor, Rumbai, Pekanbaru, Indonesia